Winning elections

I pride myself on being a hard-working campaigner, campaigning several times a week for the last 19 years straight.  By combining that hard work with the right work, I collect thousands of Voting Intentions a year through doorstep campaigning, surveys, petitions, and more.

And most importantly, that's been reflected at the ballot box.  I've stood for election four times myself, and increased the Conservative vote every single time - including in the difficult years of 2018, 2022, and 2023, when we lost vote share almost everywhere.  And on three of the four occasions, I won the most votes of any Conservative in the borough, despite never representing the traditionally 'safest' ward.

I was elected to Camden Council in 2015: winning the most votes of any Conservative in any ward in any local election in Camden's history.  I was elected group leader.

In 2022, I declined renomination in my own ward to move to the neighbouring Lib Dem held ward: to lead from the front and try to win more seats for our party and our values.  While we fell short, we once again increased the Conservative vote by 3 percentage points and I won the most votes of any Conservative in the borough.

In 2023, I stood for election in Three Rivers, where I grew up.  We secured a 3 percentage point swing to the Conservatives and I once again won the most votes of any Conservative in the district.  I'm proud to now serve as group leader in Three Rivers.