Delivering results

I'm trusted to deliver because I roll up my sleeves and get stuff done.

From revitalising an entire urban village with the UK's first post-Covid alfresco 'strategy' to leading the foundation of a food bank, I have always sought to make a difference.

I've secured changes to the law nationally in a number of areas.

Our lobbying and a legal challenge prohibited councils installing LTNs or bike lanes without consulting residents.

My campaigning with women's campaign groups restored women's toilets and became a cause célèbre that got the law changed nationally to protect women's toilets for good.

These are campaigns that an MP should be proud to champion and succeed in.  While both these issues came up as local issues, the power to solve them only came about through national action, using the powers that MPs have and have to use.

I have plans to use national power of an MP to tackle issues for our town: legislating, not just carping.  I have a plan to fix Hemel's concrete roads.  I have a plan to restore Hemel's town centre.  I have a plan to ensure millions of investment locally.